
联合方案在婴幼儿反复喘息发作急性期的临床疗效 被引量:1

Clinical efficacy of combined therapy for acute stage recurrent wheezing in infants
摘要 目的探讨口服小剂量糖皮质激素及孟鲁斯特联合妥洛特罗贴剂在婴幼儿反复喘息发作急性期中的治疗疗效。方法我院2011年4月至2014年3月儿科门诊收治的163名婴幼儿反复喘息发作急性期患儿,将所有患儿随机分为联合治疗组及常规治疗组,常规治疗组予抗感染、氧疗、纠正酸解平衡及电解质紊乱等治疗,联合治疗组在常规治疗的基础上予口服小剂量糖皮质激素及孟鲁斯特联合妥洛特罗贴剂。采用t检验比较两组的临床症状评分及治疗方案接受度。结果同常规治疗组相比,治疗3d及7d的临床症状评分分别为2.56分、0.75分,明显低于对照组的5.44分、2.07分;而通过统计两组患儿家属对治疗方案的接受度,联合治疗方案的接受度更高。结论在常规治疗基础上加用口服小剂量糖皮质激素及孟鲁斯特联合妥洛特罗贴剂可用于婴幼儿反复喘息发作急性期的治疗,能够促进肺部啰音消失,缩短病程,且易被患儿家属接受。 Objective To explore the efficacy of low-dose glucocorticoid and montelukast combined with tulobuterol tape for the treatment of acute stage recurrent wheezing in infants.Methods Clinical manifestination,diagnosis and treatment of 163 infants with acute stage recurrent wheezing were analyzed.80 cases were randomized into the combined therapy group accepting low dose glucocorticoid and montelukast combined with tulobuterol tape on the basis of routine treatment.The results were compared with those of routine therapy group(83cases)which was given routine treatment only.Results The symptom score of combined therapy group was 2.56 and 0.75 after treated for 3and 7days respectively,significantly lower than that of the routine therapy group(5.44 and 2.07respectively).In addition,the parents' acceptability of the combined therapy was higher than that of the routine treatment.Conclusion Low dose glucocorticoid and montelukast combined with tulobuterol tape on the basis of conventional treatment is effective in treatment of acute stage recurrent wheezing in infants,and can be easily accepted by parents.
作者 廖彩霞
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2015年第8期932-934,共3页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
基金 平阳县科技计划项目(平科[2014]59号:Y2014A39)
关键词 婴幼儿 反复喘息发作 糖皮质激素 孟鲁斯特 妥洛特罗贴剂 Young children Recurrent wheezing Glucocorticoids Montelukast Tulobuterol tape
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