
基于专利的中国区域技术合作网络演化研究 被引量:6

Evolution of China's Interregional Technology Collaboration Networks Based on Patent
摘要 为研究中国区域技术合作演化路径,本文利用中国大陆地区1991—2010年合作申请的发明专利数据,综合研究中国大陆区域技术合作网络特征、空间结构、区域个体合作模式的演化。结果表明,过去20年,中国区域技术合作网络越来越复杂,空间发展不均衡;网络存在核心-边缘结构;中东部各地区的合作模式已趋于稳定,西部地区还未形成稳固的合作关系。 Taking the cross-provincial patent literature of China mainland from 1991 to 2010 as sample, the paper studies the charac- teristics and spatial structures of the interregional technology collaboration networks. The results show that the networks have been more and more complex and the space disproportion exists. There are core-periphery structures in the networks. Besides, the collaboration pat- tern of eastern and central region have been more and more mature, however, the western region has not yet formed a stable coopera- tion relationship. As a result, China should continue to encourage the industry shift to central and west areas and dispatch resources ap- propriately to reduce the difference on space.
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期80-86,共7页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
关键词 区域技术合作 社会网络分析 空间结构 演化 Interregional technology collaboration Social network analysis Spatial structures Evolution
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