
Web2.0技术在“伊斯兰国”崛起中的作用及影响 被引量:8

The Function and Influence of Web 2.0 Technology in the Rise of IS
摘要 "伊斯兰国"用了十年时间发展成为世界上最"成功"的极端组织之一,其中Web 2.0技术的作用不容忽视。正是借助新兴的互联网工具,"伊斯兰国"得以进入极端组织网络,获得外部支持;发起网络"营销",实施全球推广;开拓融资渠道,确保资金充足;发动网络袭击,谋求非对称优势。"伊斯兰国"的"崛起"不仅加快了伊斯兰极端主义的扩散,而且成为其他极端组织和个人竞相效仿的对象,对中东世俗政权和相关国家构成安全威胁。未来,随着更多极端组织掌握Web 2.0技术,各国面临的安全形势将更加复杂和严峻。 IS has become one of the most 'successful' extremist groups of the world in ten-year's time, in which the function of Web 2.0 technology cannot be ignored. It is with the help of the emerging internet tools that IS got connected with the network of extremist groups and gained outside support; started its network 'marketing' and global promotion; opened up financing channels and ensured adequate funding; launched cyber attacks to seek asymmetric advantages. The 'rise' of IS has not only accelerated the spread of Islamic extremism, but also made IS an example that other extremist groups and individuals emulate, which has posed a security threat to the secular regimes in the Middle East and states concerned. In future, with more and more extremist groups mastering Web 2.0 technology, the security situation faced by any state concerned will become more complicated and grimmer.
作者 周意珉
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2015年第4期100-114,119,共15页 Peace and Development
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