
钱德明法译《孙子兵法》之双面性选择探究 被引量:1

On the Two-Sidedness in Translation Selection of Qian Deming's French Translation of Sun Tzu's Art of War
摘要 《孙子兵法》是中外现存最早的军事理论著作,其西渐以法国最早。然而,相较二战后全球方兴未艾的"孙子热"而言,这部兵学圣典在法国的传播与接受却乏善可陈,其法译本在问世后的两百年间备受冷落,鲜为人启,始终难以走入学界的批评视野。本文拟从微观与宏观两个维度,试图通过对《孙》法译者钱德明在翻译之选择上始终存在的双面性加以探究,考察钱译本的贡献与局限是在怎样的一个社会历史背景下形成了这种悖论性的张力。 Sun Tzu' s Art of War is the oldest extant writing of military theory in the world and is firstly introduced to France as the dissemination of Oriental learning to the west. However, compared with the "Sun Tzu Boom" after the World War II, the studies of dissemination and reception of this military canon in France is much ignored. The French translation of Sun Tzu' s Art of War has been overlooked for 200 years after its advent and it hardly makes its way into the field of academ- ic criticism. This paper, on the basis of macro and micro dimensions, attempts to probe into the two-sidedness in transla- tion selection of Qian Deming( Jean Joseph Marie Amiot), the French translator, and thus explores under what kind of so- cial or historical context the contribution and limitation of his translation would take its shape.
作者 李露露
出处 《外国语文》 北大核心 2015年第4期59-64,共6页 Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 孙子兵法 钱德明 翻译的选择 Sun Tzu ' s Art of War Qian Deming translation selection
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