
屏幕研究:“元媒介”时代影视研究的融合路径 被引量:22

Screen Studies: The Integrated Approach to Film and TV Studies in‘Metamedia Age'
摘要 计算机和数字技术的发展,消除了不同媒介之间的特异性,从而为媒介形态和内容生产打开了互动融汇的新窗口,而这个窗口的物质表征即当前泛在化的屏幕。在这个意义上,屏幕连通了电影、电视、游戏、装置艺术等诸多视觉艺术形态,居于一种沟通串联的核心位置,成了一种"元媒介"。因此,正在兴起的屏幕研究为影视研究拓展新的疆域提供了理论视角的转换,形成了新的融合路径。作者从为什么要关注屏幕、屏幕研究关注什么、如何关注屏幕等三个方面对屏幕研究这一路径进行了初步描绘。 With the development of computer and digital technology, the specialties of different media has disappeared,and open new window to the integration of media forms and content production. Today,the window`s material form is the ubiquitous screens. So,the screen become the core of many visual arts such as cinema,television,electrical games and installation art etc. because it play the role of link these visual arts,and become so-called ‘metamedia'in my opinion. The on-going screen studies provide a new theoretical view for cinema and TV studies to explore the new territory and come into being the new integrated approach. The author briefly describe the approach from why should pay attention to screen studies,what screen studies focus on and what is the principles to do screen studies.
作者 张斌
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第7期93-99,163,共7页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年项目<论媒介研究中的场域范式>(批准号:10YJC860059) 上海市哲学社会科学青年项目<场域理论与媒介研究>(批准号:2011EXW001)
关键词 屏幕研究 影视研究 元媒介 融合路径 screen studies cinema and TV studies metamedia integrated approach
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