
创业教育感知对大学生创业精神的影响:自我效能感的中介作用 被引量:5

The Impact of Perception of Entrepreneurial Education on Undergraduates' Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy
摘要 目的通过创业教育培养大学生的创业精神,是当前大学开展创业教育的共同认识。本研究探讨创业教育影响大学生创业精神的机理和路径,以丰富创业教育与创业精神方面的理论研究,为开展创业教育实践提供理论支撑。方法通过对221份问卷数据进行统计实证分析。结果创业教育对大学生的创新精神、主动精神和冒险精神都具有显著正向影响,自我效能感在创业教育与创新精神和冒险精神之间起完全中介作用,而在创业教育与主动精神之间具有部分中介作用;创新;结论整体而言,创业教育对培养大学生创业精神具有积极的促进作用。但创业教育对培养大学生创新精神和主动精神的积极作用,要优于培养冒险精神的作用。 Objective It becomes the consensus of developing entrepreneurial education to improve the under- graduates'entrepreneurial spirit through entrepreneurial education. The paper empirically studies the impaet of percep- tion of entrepreneurial education on entrepreneurial spirit, and the mediating effect of self - efficacy. Methods Data of questionnaire from 221 candidates are analyzed. Results Furthermore, Self - efficacy plays a completely media- ting role in the relations between perception of entrepreneurial education and innovative spirit, perception of entrepre- neurial education and risk - taking spirit play partial mediating roles in the relation between entrepreneurial education and initiative spirit. Conclusion In a whole, perception of entrepreneurial education can promote undergraduates'en- trepreneurial spirit, but the role of perception of entrepreneurial education on innovative spirit, initiative spirit is supe- rior to the role of entrepreneurial education on risk - taking spirit.
出处 《人类工效学》 2015年第4期13-17,21,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
基金 教育部人文社科基金项目(12YJC630151) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY14G020015)
关键词 创业教育 创业精神 自我效能感 中介作用 创新 perception of entrepreneurial education entrepreneurial spirit self - efficacy mediating effect creativity
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