
抑郁症患者经济负担和家庭负担调查分析 被引量:8

Investigation and analysis of economic and family burden among patients with depression
摘要 目的 调查分析抑郁症患者的经济负担和家庭负担.方法 采用随机数字表法选取符合精神障碍诊断与统计手册第四版(DSM-Ⅳ)抑郁症诊断标准的患者180例,采用自制疾病经济花费调查表和疾病家庭负担量表(FBS),对经济负担和家庭负担进行评定,共168例患者完成随访.结果 抑郁症患者年人均总经济花费为21 650元,直接经济花费6 806元,间接经济花费14 844元.住院患者的年人均总经济花费、直接经济花费、直接医疗花费显著高于门诊患者.城镇患者的年人均总经济花费、间接经济花费、误工及因工作能力下降造成的花费显著高于农村患者.抑郁症患者FBS的主观感受、家庭生活、家庭娱乐、心理健康4个因子的阳性回答率较高,超过60%;家庭关系、躯体健康2个因子的阳性回答率较低,不足40%.结论 抑郁症造成高额的经济负担和严重的家庭负担. Objective To investigate and analyze the economic burden and family burden among patients with depression.Methods 180 patients who diagnosed with depression according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-version Ⅳ (DSM-Ⅳ) had been enrolled randomly.The self-made economic costs questionnaire and the Family Burden Scale of Diseases (FBS) were utilized for investigation.168 participants finished this study.Results The per capita total economic cost of patients was 21 650 Yuan,direct economic costs was 6 806 Yuan,indirect costs was 14 844 yuan.The total economic costs,direct economic costs and direct medical costs of hospitalized patients were significantly higher than outpatients.The total economic cost per capita,indirect economic costs,costs decreased by work delays and work ability impairment of urban patients were significantly higher than rural patients.Four factors of FBS such as subjective feeling,family life,home entertainment and mental health had higher positive answer rate,which was above 60%.The positive answer rate of family relationship and physical health was lower than 40%.Conclusions Patients with depression suffered high economic burden and family burden.
作者 石艳
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 2015年第20期1545-1547,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
关键词 抑郁症 经济负担 家庭负担 Depression Economic burden Family burden
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