目的探讨我院急诊科卫生保健相关性肺炎(health care associated pneumonia,HCAP)的临床特点。方法回顾性分析研究自2013年1月至2014年9月我院急诊科就诊的肺炎患者临床资料,并从发病年龄、合并基础疾病、痰培养结果、需呼吸机支持、住院天数及预后,与社区获得性肺炎(CAP)相比较。结果入组HCAP患者68例,CAP患者82例,HCAP患者合并基础疾病65例(95.6%),明显高于CAP 32例(39%);HCAP痰培养阳性率48.3%,其中革兰氏阴性菌占64.3%,与CAP(23.1%)比较有显著统计学意义(P<0.01);HCAP患者住院天数、需呼吸机支持患者、死亡率均高于CAP患者,具有统计学意义。结论 HCAP是与CAP不同的肺炎类型,多为老年患者,合并症多,致病菌以革兰氏阴性菌为主,存在细菌耐药性高,预后差的临床特点。
Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of hospital healthcare associated pneumonia (HCAP) in our emergency department. Methods The clinical data of patients with pneumonia from January, 2013 to September, 2014 were retrospectively analyzed, including their age, underlying diseases, sputum culture results, ventilator support, duration of hospital stay and prognosis, they were compared with community acquired pneumonia. Results There were 65 cases complicated with underlying diseases (95.6%) , which were significantly higher than that of CAP patients (39%). The positive rate of sputum culture was 48.3 % in HCAP patients, including 64.3% of gram negative bacilli, which was significantly higher than that in CAP (23.1%) (P 〈0.01 ). The duration of hospi- tal stay and ventilator support and the mortality were all higher in HCAP patients than in CAP patients. Conclusion HCAP is different from CAP pneumonia type, which has the characteristics of elderly patients, more complications, gram negative pathogenic bacteria, high resistance and poor outcomes.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
clinical characteristics
pathogenic bacteria