
几种钝感含能增塑剂之间的相容性 被引量:7

Compatibility of some insensitive energetic plasticisers with each other
摘要 利用真空安定性试验(VST)和差示扫描量热法(DSC),研究了Bu NENA、GAPA、BDNPF/A、TEGDN 4种钝感含能增塑剂之间的相容性。结果表明,GAPA/TEGDN混合体系相容性好,Bu NENA/(BDNPF/A)和(BDNPF/A)/TEGDN 2个混合体系相容性差。对于Bu NENA/GAPA混合体系,VST法判定为不相容,而DSC法判定为相容,原因是VST密闭测试体系中分解产物起到了自催化作用。 The compatibility of Bu NENA,GAPA,BDNPF / A,TEGDN with each other were studied by differential scanning calorimetry( DSC) and vacuum stability test( VST). The final conclusion is that GAPA and TEGDN is compatible,but two other systems of Bu NENA with( BDNPF / A) and BDNPF / A with TEGDN are incompatible. The system of Bu NENA with GAPA was judged to be compatible by DSC,while to be incompatible by VST. The reason is that there is self-catalysis of decomposed products in closed test system of VST.
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期523-527,共5页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
关键词 推进剂 钝感增塑剂 相容性 propellant insensitive plasticiser compatibility
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