

A Probe into the Place Names of the Military Armament in Zhaotong
摘要 昭通地处沟通中原和西南边疆的咽喉要道上,是历代统治者开疆拓土,经营西南的必争之地,在两千多年的政区建置历史中,属于军管型的特殊时期就长达1700多年,直至清朝改土归流后才实现了与中原行政区划制度的并轨。历代统治者在此设置过众多的军事管理机构,其种类之繁和数量之多堪称中国政治史上的典型。昭通地名对历史上重大军事事件的记录,是久远而稳定的,如战场、军屯、营盘、关隘等地名,层层累积,蔚为大观。 Zhaotong used to be the strategetic passage between the Central Plains and the Southwest Frontier in ancient China. Thus it was a strategic area for all the rulers of the past dynasties to claim new territory and govern the Southwest Frontier. In the history of establishing the administrative region in the past over two thousand years, Zhaotong was under special military control for more than 1,700 years until Qing Dynasty, when the emperors of Qing Dynasty a- dopted the ruling system of appointing ambulatory governors by the imperial court instead of the system of appointing na- tional minority hereditary headmen, with the same administrative division ruling system as that of the Central Plains. The rulers of the past dynasties had set up numerous military administrative agencies in Zhaotong, which could be typical of various and numerous ruling systems in Chinese political history. The place names of Zhaotong, such as the battlefields, the military stations, the camps and the passes, are far-off and stable, which record the great historical military events. They are recorded one by one in large quantity.
出处 《昭通学院学报》 2015年第4期1-8,共8页 Journal of Zhaotong University
关键词 昭通 地名 战争 军屯 营盘 关隘 Zhaotong the place names battles the military stations the camps the passes
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