

Decadence and Salvation of Enlightenment Rationality from Perspective of Eco-Ethics
摘要 启蒙理性是在反对基督教神学和封建专制统治的过程中出现的,在对神权神性、蒙昧主义、禁欲主义的批驳中,它昭示了自己的价值理念:宣扬人权人性、提倡理性科学、重视世俗生活、倡导自由平等,从而把人从神的枷锁中解放出来,恢复了人的尊严,张扬了人的个性;并从禁欲主义的神龛中走出来,释放了欲望,创造了科技进步和经济发展的奇迹。但是,我们发现,在生态伦理的视域下,启蒙运动中生成的启蒙理性所蕴涵的价值理念隐藏着反自然的倾向,内涵着对自然的征服和盘剥,它确立人自身主体性中主客体的分离和主观化的绝对专制,促使人与自然分离;确认人的本质时,以追求凡人的幸福成为内容,以物质生活的富足为特征,放纵人的欲望;追求知识力量中,知识成为展示自身欲望、控制自然的手段,人的理性成为工具,启蒙理性正走向堕落。我们要逐步实现以蕴涵"意义"的价值理性统领工具理性,以合理的需要消费节制人类的欲望消费,追求人与自然整体性基础上的生态理性,从而实现人与自然、人与世界的共存和和谐发展,以完成对启蒙理性的救赎。通过对启蒙理性的反思和批判,我们可以找出现代化进程中人与自然关系紧张的价值根源,有助于确立生态伦理原则,克服生态危机,推进生态文明的建设,走可持续发展的道路。 The enlightenment rationality, appearing in the process of the opposition to Christian theology and the feudal autocratic rule, presents its values when criticizing theocratic divinity, obscurantism and asceticism: to advocate human rights, human nature, and rational science and to attach importance to the secular life, freedom and equality so that people are liberated from the shackles of gods and asceticism, dignity of human restored, individuality presented, desire released, technological and economic miracles created. It is found that, however, from the perspective of eco- ethics, anti- nature tendency exists in values of enlightenment rationality, which is the conquest and exploitation of nature. In establishing human' s subjectivity, it emphasizes the separation of the subject and the object and the absolute autocracy of the subject and thus promotes the separation of human and nature. In identifying human's nature, it pursues happiness which is characterized by abundant material life and desire satisfaction. In the pursuit of knowledge, knowledge is taken as a means to display human's desire and to control the nature. Human's rationality is taken as a tool, and enlightenment rationality falls into decadence. We will gradually achieve the governance of values rationality containing "significance" on tool rationality, substitute desire consumption with rational consumption, pursue ecological rationality based on the integration of human and nature so as to realize the coexistence and harmonious development of human and nature, and fulfill the salvation of enlightenment rationality. Through the reflection on enlightenment rationality, the values cause of the tension between human and nature in the process of modernization can be found, which facilitates the establishment of eco-ethical principle, the overcoming of ecological crisis, the development of ecological civilization to realize sustainable development.
作者 张晓庆
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第2期43-52,共10页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 生态伦理 启蒙理性 堕落 救赎 ecological ethics enlightenment rationality decadence salvation
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