

Construction of Rural Ecological Civilization 's Index System
摘要 近年来,我国工业化和信息化水平飞速发展,农村经济水平也在不断提高,但是农村的经济和社会发展也面临着越来越突出的资源环境制约问题。生态文明是继农业文明和工业文明之后的一种全新的文明形态,目的在于促进经济、社会和环境协调可持续发展。我国又是一个农业大国,农村的发展也将通过多种方式影响着城市的发展。文章通过介绍生态文明以及指标体系的相关内涵,寻找和建立一个度量的标准,从而来测量一个农村的生态文明情况,达到衡量和评价这个生态文明发展的目的和意义,有效地推动农村生态文明的发展。 In recent years,the level of industrialization and the rapid development of information technology,the rural economy is improving,but the economic and social development in rural areas is also facing an increasingly prominent issue of resources and the environment. Ecological civilization is the second agricultural and industrial civilizations of a new form of civilization,aimed at promoting economic,social and environmental coordinated and sustainable development. China is a large agricultural country,rural development will also affect the development of the city through a variety of ways.This paper conception of introduction and through the index system of ecological civilization,to find and establish a measure of standard,thereby to measure the ecological civilization in a rural situation, the purpose and significance of measurement and evaluation of the development of ecological civilization,effectively promote the development of rural ecological civilization.
出处 《江苏科技信息》 2015年第22期22-24,共3页 Jiangsu Science and Technology Information
关键词 农村 生态文明 指标体系 构建 countryside ecological civilization index system construct
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