分析了MOS晶体管总剂量辐射效应的理论模型,并在此基础上给出了主要作用机理的仿真方法,用Sentaurus TCAD器件仿真软件对不同栅氧厚度的NMOS晶体管辐射前后的电学特性进行了模拟仿真,通过对比研究不同辐射总剂量下NMOS晶体管的I-V特性曲线,得出了NMOS晶体管阈值电压漂移与辐射总剂量的关系。与实验数据进行了对比验证,并准确计算出仿真中理论模型中的修正参数fot和K,使仿真结果和实验结果能够很好地吻合,为CMOS集成电路的总剂量辐射效应的仿真研究提供依据。
The theoretical model of the total ionizing dose effect was analyzed and,based on the model,a simulation method of the major mechanism was proposed.Sentaurus TCAD device simulation software was used to simulate NMOS device structure and electrical properties with different gate oxide thicknesses before and after the radiation.Through studying I-Vcharacteristic curve of NMOS transistor under different total dose of radiation comparatively,the relationship of threshold voltage shift with the total dose of radiation was obtained.Experimental data were compared to verify and accurately calculate the correction parameters fotand K,so that the simulation results and experimental results were in good agreement,thus providing the basis for the simulation of total dose radiation effects of CMOS integrated circuits.
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