3Judit Frigyesi ,Bela Bartok and Turn-Of-The-Century, University of California Press, 1998.
4Elliott Antokoletz, The Music of Bela Bartok, Univer- sity of California Press, 1984.
5Elliott Antokoletz, The Music of Bela Bartok, U- niversity of California Press, 1984 ,p. 135.
6Judit Frigyesi, Bela Bartok and Turn-Of-The- Century, University of California Press,1995 ,p. 56.
7Elliott Antokoletz, Victoria Fischer and Benja- min Suchoff, Bartok Perspectives : Man, Composer, and Ethnomusicologist, Oxford and New York: Ox- ford University Press, 2000, p. 81.
8Benjamin Suchoff, Bela Bartok Essays, 3 Queen Square London, 1976, p. 417.
9Bela Bartok, Sonata for Tow Pianos and Percussion, Boosey &Hawkes Music Publishers Limited, p. 417.