One of the most fruitful intellectual movements of the practical philosophy in the 20 th century is the emergence and transition of new Frankfurt school. However, since the new Frankfurt school is an ambiguous name in itself, different scholars always have different understandings of its transition. This article attempts to capture the nature of the transition of new Frankfurt school from a fix perspective, that is, the debate between liberalism and communitarianism, which is a typical and influential academic dispute in Anglo-American political philosophy and initiates diverse theoretical reactions from different parties as other debates involve the duality of modernity. By exploring the academic discussions between Jürgen Habermas and Albrecht Wellmer, we argue that Wellmers' distinction between "the democratic form of ethical life" and "the ethical form of democracy" not only helps us to understand Habermas' distinction between "politically relevant culture" and "politically formed culture", but also help us to appreciate Habermas' claim of "modernity as an unfinished project. "
Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition