利用FAO Penman-Monteith公式,估算四川省1954~2014年参考作物蒸散量,采用多元回归方法定量分析影响四川省RET变化的主要气候因子。结果表明:四川省RET空间差异明显,南部低山区年平均RET最大,东部平原区最少;低山和高原地区RET呈显著增长趋势,东部RET显著减少;RET变化的季节差异以夏季变幅最大,是年RET变化的主要贡献者;平均风速和日照时数是影响四川省RET变化的主要气候因子,除此之外,高海拔地区温度对RET变化的贡献最高,其它地区的相对湿度变化对RET变化的贡献最高。
The reference crop evapotranspiration from 1954 to 2014 in Sichuan was estimated by FAO Penman-Monteith equation. Multiple regression analysis was employed to differentiate the effects of the climate factors. The results showed that RET in Sichuan Province had significant spatial variation and the average RET in low mountainous area was largest. Average RET both in plateau stations and mountain stations show significant increase trends compare with plain stations. The highest seasonal variation was in summer which was the major contributor in RET changes. Average wind speed and duration of sunshine were the main climate factors affecting the RET.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Natural Sciences