
基于无线信号不规则性的无线传感网层次型拓扑控制算法 被引量:3

Wireless Signal Irregularity Based Hierarchical Topology Control Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
摘要 构建层次型拓扑结构是延长网络生存时间的有效方法。该文将拓扑构建过程分为由簇成员组成的感知层和由簇头组成的平面数据转发层,建立了基于无线信号不规则性的网络能耗模型以及节点成簇稳定性模型,提出了基于无线信号不规则性的层次型拓扑控制(WSIBTC)算法。WSIBTC算法根据节点平均有效传输距离将监测区域划分为多个子区域,由成簇稳定性和节点在簇中的位置决定最终簇头,簇头间形成平面拓扑结构,延长网络生存时间。分析和仿真结果表明由WSIBTC算法得到的网络拓扑大幅度地提升了网络生存时间。 Constructing hierarchical topology is an effective way to prolong network lifetime. The topology control process is divided into sensing layer composed by cluster members and planar data forwarding layer composed by cluster heads, while the mathematical models of energy consumption based on wireless signal irregularity and stability of cluster are proposed. Further, a Wireless Signal Irregularity Based hierarchical Topology Control(WSIBTC) algorithm is proposed, which divides the monitoring region into several sub-regions based on the average effective transmission range. The cluster heads are elected based on the stability of cluster and the location of sensor nodes in the clusters, and a planar topology is formed by cluster heads to prolong the network lifetime. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed WSIBTC algorithm improves greatly the lifetime of the network.
作者 唐宏 王惠珠
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期2246-2253,共8页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
基金 长江学者和创新团队发展计划(IRT1299) 重庆市科委项目(CSTC2012jj A40044 cstc2013yykf A40010) 重庆市科委重点实验室专项经费资助课题
关键词 无线传感器网络 层次型拓扑 无线信号不规则性 成簇稳定性 Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) Hierarchical topology Irregularity of wireless signal Stability of cluster
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