
应用动态时间规整算法实现雷达辐射源个体识别 被引量:3

Applying Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm to Specific Radar Emitter Identification
摘要 雷达辐射源个体识别,即识别同型号的雷达辐射源,是当今电子战研究的重点课题。雷达辐射源的个体差异是由其内部各种元器件的细微差异产生的,瞬时幅度和瞬时频率能够很好地体现雷达辐射源的个体差异。雷达辐射源自身的不稳定,接收机测量水平的限制,以及外界环境的影响,造成了瞬时幅度和瞬时频率不同程度的弯折。动态时间规整算法能够消除弯折现象所带来的不良影响,实现瞬时幅度以及瞬时频率的距离测度。利用数据融合技术综合考虑瞬时幅度和瞬时频率的动态时间规整测度取值情况,能够更加全面的考察雷达辐射源的个体差异,进而实现雷达辐射源个体识别中的目标匹配。最后,通过仿真验证动态时间规整算法在雷达辐射源个体识别课题中的可行性。 Nowadays, much attention of the study in electronic warfare research is paid to the specific radar emitter identifi- cation which is a key subject in the field. The individual differences of the radar emitters are generated due to the subtle differences of the internal components. The instantaneous amplitude and frequency can well reflect the individual differ- ences but are easily interfered by other factors, which results in the warping of the wave to some degree. Dynamic time war- ping (DTW) algorithm can effectively eliminate the negative influence caused by the warping phenomenon and get the dis- tance measure. Data fusion technique is dropped in to achieve the target matching in the specific radar emitter identifica- tion, while the DTW measurements of the instantaneous amplitude and frequency are considered comprehensively either. Finally, the feasibility of the algorithm is validated through the simulation.
作者 陈沛铂 李纲
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期1035-1040,共6页 Journal of Signal Processing
关键词 雷达辐射源个体识别 目标匹配 动态时间规整 数据融合 specific radar emitter identification target matching dynamic time warping data fusion
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