
河南省城乡居民社会养老保险缴费档次选择研究 被引量:1

On the Choice of Fee Payment Rate in the Social Pension Insurance Program for Urban and Rural Residents in Henan
摘要 针对城乡居民社会养老保险制度存在"最低档次缴费困境"的问题,基于对河南省开封市尉氏县、商丘市虞城县和平顶山市汝州市的实地调查研究,综合运用交互分析和Logistic回归分析的方法,对城乡居民选择最低档次缴费水平影响因素进行分析,结果表明,受教育程度、养老问题担心程度和政策了解度对城乡居民是否选择最低缴费档次影响显著。从而提出提高人们对老年风险的认识,促进人们养老观念的转变;加大政策宣传力度,提高居民对城乡居民基本养老保险的政策了解度;加快发展补充养老保险,构建多层次养老保障体系等建议。 A field study is conducted among urban and rural residents in Weishi County,Yucheng County and Ruzhou County to seek a solution to the dilemma of "minimum fee payment rate"facing the social pension insurance program for rural and urban residents in Henan. By using interactive analysis and logistic regression analysis methods,factors influencing rural and urban residents' choice of minimum fee payment rate are analyzed. The results show that such factors as educational background,levels of anxiety over old-age security and pension,and familiarity with government policy have had a significant impact on the choice of minimum fee payment rate among urban and rural residents in Henan. It is proposed that efforts must be made to heighten citizens' pension risk awareness and transform their mindset,intensify publicity work to enhance public understanding of basic pension programs and policies,and speed up the development of compensatory endowment insurance programs to build up a multi-level old-age security system.
作者 张娜
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2015年第7期23-27,共5页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"统筹推进城乡社会养老保障体系建设研究"(13BSH097)
关键词 城乡居民社会养老保险 缴费档次 养老风险 urban and rural social pension insurance fee payment rate pension risk
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