
被侵权人自杀的法律规制——基于中国、西班牙立法与司法的比较 被引量:1

The Regulation on Suicide of the Infringer Based on Comparison of Legislation and Judicature between China and Spain
摘要 关于被侵权人自杀的法律规制,在西班牙,刑法明确规定了教唆自杀罪,保险法也规定了可予理赔的自杀行为。虽然《西班牙民法典》未作出明确规定,但在作为规制特殊侵权责任的劳动法、社会保障法中,就工伤事故中受害人自杀的,规定了相应的损害赔偿责任;民事司法实践也通过特殊监管义务制度、因果关系推定制度和共同过失制度解决侵权行为致人自杀时的责任分配。我国部分立法就自杀相关问题进行了规范,司法实践通过一些案例做出积极探索。比较中国、西班牙就被侵权人自杀在立法与司法上的规制,有利于进一步明确问题所在,妥善解决该类纠纷。 Once the victim commits suicide, according to the criminal law of Spain, the defendant will bear the crime of abetting suicide, and according to the insurance law, the insurer will bear the liability of damages.Although the Civil Code did not have clear regulations, the Labor Law and Social Security Law which are seemed as special civil laws have regulated that the offender should bear the liability of damages to the victim who had suffered injured on the job. Civil judicial solves this problem through specific regulatory obligations, presumption of causation and contributory negligence. Some of our legislation have defined this problem and the judicial practice have made some active exploration through cases. It's helpful to define the problem further and resolve the disputes more properly by comparing the legislation and judicature in China and Spain on regulating the liability for suicide of the infringer.
作者 杨天红
机构地区 重庆大学法学院
出处 《江苏警官学院学报》 2015年第3期20-25,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Police Institute
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目"我国大规模侵权损害救济体系的建构"阶段性成果 项目编号:CDJSK11010
关键词 被侵权人自杀 侵权责任 侵权损害救济 民法 suicide by the infringer tort liability remedy for tort civil law
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  • 1Seeángel torío,"La noción jurídica de suicidio",in Estudios de Derecho Público y Privado ofrecidos al profesor Ignacio Serrano y Serrano(Valladolid:Universidad de Valladolid,1965),P657.
  • 2STS of 10 February 1988[RJ 1988,936];STS Social Chamber of 9 March 1987[RJ1987,1362].
  • 3Alberto Valdés Alonso,"Informe sobre la valoración de los comportamientos autolesivos y el suicidio como accidente de trabajo,Expert Report Commissioned by the Unión General de Trabajadores"[EB/OL].www.ugtcantabria.org/saludlaboral/informe_comportamiento.pdf.
  • 4now Jordi Ribot&Albert Ruda,"Spain",in European Tort Law 2008,ed.Helmut K?ziol&Barbara C.Steininger(New York&Vienna:Springer,2009),P618,with further references.
  • 5Manuel Alonso Olea&JoséLuis Tortuero Plaza,Instituciones de Seguridad Social,18th edn(Madrid:Civitas,2002),P147.
  • 6Demetrio Barcia Salorio,"Suicidio e intento de suicidio desde el punto de vista Psiquiá",Estudios Penales y Criminológicos 4(1979-80),P115-136,P129.
  • 7Francisco Jacier Labrador,"El Control de las Conductas Humanas",in Aportaciones de la psicología alámbito jurídico,ed.LABRADOR(Madrid:Consejo General del Poder Judicial,1994),P9-53.
  • 8As JoséLuis Pinillos Díaz,"Tres lecciones sobre la psicología del suicidio",Estudios Penales y Criminológicos 4(1982),P137-168,P141 and P167.
  • 9STS Administrative Chamber of 7 October 2003[RJ 2003,8228].
  • 10Miquel Martín-Casals&Josep SoléFeliu,"Fault under Spanish Law",in Unification of Tort Law:Fault,ed.P.Widmer(The Hague:Kluwer,2005),P237. B.Sarró&S.Nogué,"Suicidios",Medicina Clínica 98(1992):P624-626,P625.


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  • 3John G Fleming.The Law of Torts,1992.
  • 4Walter van Gerven;Jeremy Lever.Tort Law,2000.
  • 5William L Prosser.Handbook of the Law of Torts,1971.
  • 6B.S.Markesinis;S.F.Deakin.Tort Law,1999.
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  • 8MKucharska et al.
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