
地籍空间对象拓扑关系一致性研究 被引量:1

The Cadastral Spatial Elements Topological Relationship Consistency
摘要 空间数据库是通过建立并执行空间完整性约束来维护目标及其间关系的精确性、正确性、有效性。空间完整性约束包括对几何结构冲突、属性冲突及空间关系冲突约束,其中,空间关系冲突是指目标间的拓扑、方向及度量关系应符合空间完整性约束。在地籍数据库中,空间对象拓扑关系约束是为防止任意对象及其目标间的拓扑关系冲突,避免造成数据库对实体及其之间关系的表达错误,导致自身几何结构和对象间拓扑关系错误等,从而破坏了空间数据库的完整性。 Spatial database through the establishment and implementation of spatial integrity constraints to maintain the accuracy, correctness and effectiveness of the goals and their inter - relationships, correctness and effectiveness. Spatial integrity constraints include conflicting constraints, the geometric structure of conflict, attribute conflict and spatial relations, spatial relationships, conflict is the target topology, direction and measure the relationship should be consistent with the spatial integrity constraints. Cadastral database, space elements topological relations constraints is to prevent any land cadastral elements of its target between the topological relationship conflicts, avoid resulting in a database of entities and their inter - relationship between the expression of error produce own geometric structure and elements of topological relations error, etc. , and thus destroyed spatial database integrity.
出处 《测绘与空间地理信息》 2015年第9期115-118,共4页 Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology
关键词 地籍 空间对象 拓扑关系 约束 cadastral spatial element topological relation constraint
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