目的:通过分析潲水油提炼加工过程的特点,选择柠檬烯为特异检测指标,建立相应测定方法,用于潲水油的鉴定工作。方法:样品用正己烷溶解后蒸馏,收集蒸馏液后浓缩,通过气质联用法检测。结果:测定柠檬烯方法的线性范围均为0.005-1.0 mg/L,线性相关系数为0.9995,检出限为1.0 ng/kg,回收率分别为80.3%-89.5%。对31个油样进行检测,对潲水油的鉴别判断正确率为100%。结论:方法简便,灵敏度好,选择性好,可作为潲水油的有效鉴别手段。
Objective:To develop a method for determination of limonene with GC- MS, can be used for the identification of hogwash oil. Method:The oil sample dissolved with hexane was distilled, collecting the distillate and detected by GC- MS. Results: The linear range of the limonene was found to be 0. 005 - 1.0 mg/L, and the correlation coefficient of the standard curve were 0. 9995. The limit of detection was 1.0 ng/kg. The recoveries of limonene for the spiked samples ranged from80.3 % to 89.5 %. The method was applied for 31 samples detection and the correct rate was 100 %. Conculsion:The GC- MS method is suitable for limonene in hogwash oil detection and structure proof with high sensitive and anti-interference.
Studies of Trace Elements and Health