To summarize the clinical experience of Prof. Yan Jun-bai in treating rheumatic arthritis (RA) with suppurative moxibustion and aim to guide acupuncture treatment for RA. Prof. Yan believes that contributing factors of RA include external contraction of pathogenic factors, obstructed flow of qi and blood, internal phlegm-turbidity (due to deficiency of healthy qi or improper diet), and obstruction or malnourishment of meridians. As a result, the treatment strategies are to warm yang, remove pathogenic factors, and tonify the liver, spleen and kidney. Suppurative moxibustion is a reliable therapy for RA.
总结严君白教授使用化脓灸治疗类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)的临床经验,以指导RA的针灸治疗。严教授认为RA多由感受外邪、正气虚弱或饮食失调引起的气血不通、痰浊内生、经络壅塞或筋脉失养所致。治疗应扶正温阳祛邪,补益肝、脾、肾。采用化脓灸治疗RA疗效可靠。
supported by Construction Project of Work Room for Academic Experience of Famous Physicians of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shanghai
Supporting Project for Schools of Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine and Special Technique