

Effect of Beer Sludge Compost on Apple Root Growth Characteristics by Split-root Planting
摘要 以自制啤酒污泥堆肥和苹果苗为试材,采用盆栽分根栽植的方式,探讨啤酒污泥堆肥不同施用量(25、50、100、200g/kg,处理代号分别为BSC1、BSC2、BSC3、BSC4)对苹果苗根系重金属富集、抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD))活性等生理特性以及根系形态的影响。结果表明:各处理隔板两边根系生长、生理特性以及重金属富集不尽相同,根系中重金属铬(Cr)、锌(Zn)、铜(Cu)和丙二醛(MDA)富集量均与啤酒污泥堆肥施用量呈正相关,且显著高于对应另一半对照;随啤酒污泥堆肥施用量增多,根系形态、抗氧化酶活性和根系活力均呈先上升后下降趋势。BSC1、BSC2、BSC3能显著促进根系生长,增加地下生物量,各处理施用污泥堆肥分别是对应另一半对照的1.40、1.69、1.24、0.75倍;苹果苗根系SOD活性大小顺序为BSC2>BSC1>BSC3>BSC4;BSC1、BSC2、BSC3苹果根系CAT活性分别比对应另一半对照高28.78%、82.25%、25.57%,BSC4比CK4降低24.22%,其中BSC2显著高于BSC1、BSC3和BSC4(P<0.05),BSC3和BSC1差异不明显;不同施用量处理对苹果根系POD活性有促进作用,分别是对应另一半对照的1.41、1.83、1.42、1.14倍,且差异显著(P<0.05)。 With self-made beer sludge compost and seedling of apple as test materials,to analyze the short-term effect of beer sludge compost application of different contents(25,50,100,200g/kg,code of treatment BSC1,BSC2,BSC3,BSC4)on apple seedling roots growth,physiological characteristics and heavy metals enrichment.By the potted split-root planting way,the effect of beer sludge compost discussed about different contents on apple seedlings root heavy metals enrichment,antioxidant enzymes(SOD,POD,CAT),and other physiological characteristics and the root morphology.The results showed,each treatment on both sides of the partition root growth,physiological characteristics and heavy metals enrichment were different,the enrichment contents of heavy metals Cr,Zn,Cu and MDA in root were positively correlated with the applying content of beer sludge compost,and significantly higher than the corresponding control on the other half.Along with the applying of beer sludge compost content increased,root morphology,antioxidant enzyme and root activities were showed a trend of increased and then decreased.BSC1,BSC2 and BSC3could significantly promote the root growth and increase the underground biomass,and each treatment application of sewage sludge compost were 1.40,1.69,1.24,1.69 times to the corresponding control in the other half.For the apple seedlings root SOD activities,BSC2〉BSC1〉BSC3〉BSC4.Compared with the corresponding in the control of the other half,the apple root CAT activities of BSC1,BSC2 and BSC3were respectively higher 28.78%,82.25%,25.57%,and BSC4 was 24.22%lower than CK4,including BSC2 was significantly higher than BSC1,BSC3,BSC4(P〈0.05),BSC3 and BSC1were no obvious difference.There were role in promoting on the apple root POD activities with different applying contents,which were respectively1.41,1.83,1.42,1.14 times to the corresponding in the control of the other half,and the difference significant(P〈0.05).In this experiment,the effect of apple seedlings root growth were different with the beer sludge compost application rate,as a whole,the root was not produced the enrichment phenomenon of heavy metals and MDA about 50g/kg beer sludge compost,and which could promote root growth,enhance antioxidant enzyme and root activities.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第17期36-40,共5页 Northern Horticulture
关键词 啤酒污泥堆肥 分根栽植 根系生长 生理特性 根系形态 beer sludge compost split-root planting root growth physiological characteristics root morphology
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