

Felix Klein and the Gttingen Association for the Promotion of Applied Physics and Mathematics
摘要 19世纪末20世纪初,克莱因将应用科学引入哥廷根大学,打破了德国高等教育体系中纯科学与技术应用各自为政的局面。其中,由他发起成立的哥廷根应用物理及数学促进协会在哥廷根大学建立了应用科学相关研究机构,为该校应用科学的发展提供了资金和设备保障。这在为德国高校教研组织设置提供一种新思路的同时,也为应用科学在大学的发展提供了一条极具可行性的出路。 During the period of the Late 19^th Century and the Early 20^th Century, Felix Klein had introduced the applied sciences into the University of Gottingen, changing the situation in Higher Education in Germany that pure sciences and technology application were isolated from each other. At the moment, the Gottingen Association for the Promotion of Applied Physics and Mathematics, initiated by Klein, had established several institutes of applied sciences and provided funds and facilities to secure the development of applied sciences at the University of Gottingen. It had implemented a new idea to the teaching and researching institutions in Germany and offered a quite viable approach to develop applied sciences in universities at the same time.
作者 黄佳 方在庆
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期64-67,共4页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 克莱因 哥廷根大学 应用科学 德国大学改革 哥廷根应用物理及数学促进协会 Felix Klein University of Gottingen applied sciences reform of German universities the Gottingen Association for the Promotion of Applied Physics and Mathematics
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