目的:了解西安市二级以上医院药品不良反应(ADR)发生的特点和规律,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法:回顾性统计并分析西安市36家二级以上医院2012年10月-2014年6月收集并上报的有效ADR报告1 372例。结果:1 372例ADR报告中,年龄≥60岁的患者发生ADR比例最高(407例,占29.67%);引发ADR最多的药物为抗微生物药,所占比例最高,达45.77%,其次为中药制剂(15.82%)以及循环系统药(9.55%);注射剂是引发ADR最多的药物剂型,共1 210例,占88.19%;ADR损害类型主要以皮肤及其附件损害为主,占44.16%;左氧氟沙星注射液为引发ADR最多的药物,共95例。结论:掌握该地区ADR的发生特点与规律,有助于管理者规范临床合理用药,保证患者用药安全。
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the characteristics and regularity of ADR in secondary-level hospitals and above in Xi'an in order to provide reference for clinical drug use. METHODS:During Oct. 2012-Jun. 2014,1 372 ADR cases reported in 36 hospitals at secondary-level or above in Xi'an were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS:Among 1 372 cases of ADR reports,the incidence of ADR in the above 60 age group occupied the highest percentage,being 29.67%(407 cases);ADR reports were most likely caused by antibacterial drugs,accounting for 45.77%,followed by TCM injections(15.82%)and circulatory system drugs(9.55%);the largest number of ADR reports was caused by injections(1 210 cases,88.19%);the main types of ADR were lesion of skin and its appendents,accounting for 44.16%. The most number of ADR was induced by Levofloxacin injection,involving 95 cases. CONCLUSIONS:Mastering the characteristics and regularity of ADR help managers to standardize clinical rational drug use and ensure patients' medication safety.
China Pharmacy