
中国股票、基金及债券市场间非对称相依趋势分析——基于平滑转换SHR-Copula模型 被引量:2

Asymmetric Dependence Trend of Chinese Stock,Fund and Bond Market:Based on the Smooth Transition SHR-Copula Model
摘要 本文引入非椭圆SHR-Copula函数构建了Copula-GARCH模型,并将多阶段平滑转换模型应用到Copula参数的动态化中,来研究我国股票、基金和债券市场间相依关系的非对称变化。实证结果表明:三阶段平滑转换Copula模型足以刻画三个证券市场间相依关系的动态演化过程;股票、基金和债券市场两两之间的上、下尾部相依关系大体呈增长趋势,但是发生结构性突变的时点有所不同。近年来债券与股票、债券与基金之间的尾部相依性呈左强右弱的趋势,表现出显著的非对称性;股票市场与基金市场之间的上尾和下尾相依性在样本后期趋于一致,非对称情况不明显。 This paper introduces the non-elliptic SHR-Copula, develops Copula GARCH model and applied the multiple-regime smooth transition model to make Copula parameters dynamically, to research the asymmetric trend of tail dependence among Chinese stock, fund and bond market. The empirical results show that: tree-regime smooth transition model is enough to depicting the dynamic evolution process of asymmetric dependence among the three secu- rities market. In addition, the upper and lower tail dependence of stock, fund and bond market had a growing trend. In recent years, the lower tail dependence of bond-fund and bond-stock was greater than the upper tail dependence, it shows a asymmetry phenomenon; however, the upper and lower the tail dependence between stock and fund market tended to be consistent at the end of sample period, it means the asymmetry is not obvious.
作者 赵迷
出处 《金融发展研究》 北大核心 2015年第8期17-23,共7页 Journal Of Financial Development Research
基金 2014年浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划 大学生科技成果推广项目 项目编号:2014R408071
关键词 SHR-Copula 平滑转换模型 尾部相依 非对称演化 SHR-Copula, smooth transition model, tail dependence, asymmetric evolution
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