
渔业生态系统方法简述 被引量:3

The brief introduction to the ecosystem approach to fisheries
摘要 考虑到生态系统状态对渔业的重要影响,渔业生态系统方法(Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries,EAF)把对生态的关注加入渔业管理框架中,并以生态系统管理和渔业管理2个理论为基础,扩展了传统渔业管理的框架:以生态系统健康与人类福利的依存关系为基础,关注多物种管理,均衡生态、人文和制度3个维度的目标,实现渔业的可持续发展。本研究介绍了EAF的由来、定义、基本原则以及功能要素,概述了EAF的实践基础和模型构建的技术路径,对比了EAF与EBFM的异同。虽然EAF的理论和实践仍处于完善和发展阶段,但确为渔业管理的发展方向,介绍EAF对促进我国渔业可持续发展具有重要意义。 The ecosystem approach to fisheries( EAF) emerged in 2001 by FAO. It took into account the important impact of ecosystem on fisheries and added the concerns about the ecological framework into fisheries management. EAF based on two theories,the ecosystem management and fisheries management,proposing the EAF framework: basing on the dependency of ecosystem health and human welfare,paying attention to multi-species management,balancing the three dimensions targets of the ecology,the humanities and the mechanism,and aiming to achieve the fisheries sustainable development. This paper mainly describes the origin,definition,basic principle and elements of EAF,and briefly introduces the practice foundation of EAF and the model construction,and finally compares the EAF with EBFM( ecosystem-based fisheries management). Although the objectives,content and paradigm of EAF are clear,the EAF relative lack of practical experience which is still in improvement and development phase. EAF is the developing prospect of fishery management. The introduction and study of EAF is very important for improving the sustainable development of fisheries in China.
作者 苏萌
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期1264-1272,共9页 Journal of Fisheries of China
基金 国家社科项目(12JJD790032) 教育部基地重大项目(13JJD790032)
关键词 渔业生态系统方法 渔业管理 简述 ecosystem approach to fisheries(EAF) fisheries management brief introduction
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