The insubmeribility analysis method based on the Monte Carlo random simulation is constructed for the prob- lem about the effect of watertight closed ohjeet on the survivability. The watertight area design as input, the shoot position based on the random simulation, the breakage radius based on the empirical formula, the breakage range based on the water- tight area, shoot position and breakage radius are used to compute the damage stability of shoot singly. The probability of submerged of ship is computed based on lots of simulations. The computation model that can consider the effect of the relia- bility of watertight closed object based on insubmeribility analysis method is constructed. The convergence analysis is finished and the compare analysis of numerical results of different openings is got. The effect of the reliability of watertight closed ob- ject on the survivability is got, which proves that setting watertight opening on main transverse bulkhead is risky. The design advance is given.
Computer & Digital Engineering
watertight closed object, reliability, survivability