

A Novel Joint Decoding Algorithm of Turbo Codes
摘要 提出了一种新的Turbo码的联合译码算法,该算法结合了常数Log-MAP译码算法和Log-MAP算法的优点,并且结合了停止判决准则。新算法在效率和纠错性能上达到了较好的平衡,尤其是在中高信噪比的情况下:只增加了较少的计算量,就使得常数Log-MAP算法达到了几乎Log-MAP算法的纠错性能。 This paper proposes a novel Turbo decoding algorithm. This new decoding algorithm combines the constant Log-MAP decoding algorithm,Log-MAP decoding algorithm and stopping criterion. With the same computational complexity,this novel decoding algorithm is superior in terms of bit error rate performance than the constant Log-MAP decoding algorithm.
出处 《中国传媒大学学报(自然科学版)》 2015年第4期59-63,共5页 Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology
关键词 TURBO码 常数Log-MAP算法 LOG-MAP算法 停止迭代准则HDA turbo decoding stopping criterion hard-decision-aided(HDA)
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