
应用型本科院校非英语专业大学生英语后续课程设置研究——基于需求分析的视角 被引量:3

A Research on Non-English Major Students' Subsequent Curriculum in the Applied Undergraduate Colleges——Based on the Perspective of Needs Analysis
摘要 为了更好地满足学生对大学英语教学的需求,本研究对某地方应用型本科高校843名已通过大学英语四级考试的非英语专业学生进行了问卷调查,以了解他们对大学英语后续课程的学习目标、课程类型和教学模式的需求。通过对调查结果的分析,研究发现学生对应试英语类课程和与专业相关的行业英语课程的需求较强烈,较多学生倾向于"教师面授+网络自主学习"的教学模式和基于现代信息技术的网络学习模式。逐步开设大学英语后续课程和拓展课程,完善大学英语课程体系,满足社会发展和学生自身多元化需求,需要大学英语教师更新教学理念,完善知识结构,创新教学方式,激发学生对英语的学习兴趣,全面提高大学英语教学质量。 In order to meet the needs of students better in college English teaching, this research had a questionnaire surveyof 843 non-English major students in a local applied undergraduate colleges who have passed college English test band 4 tolearn their needs for college English subsequent courses in learning goals, the fypes of courses and teaching mode. Through theanalysis of the results of the survey, the study found that students' needs' for exam-oriented English courses and profession-related appli.ed English courses are more intense, and more students tend to teaching mode of "teachers' teaching + networkautonomous learning" and network learning model based on modern information technology. It requires college English "teachers toupdate teaching ideas, improve knowledge structure, innovation of teaching methods in order to open subsequent and expandingcourses, perfect the college English curriculum system, meet the needs of social development and the students own diversity. Onlyin this way can we inspire students' interest in learning English, then comprehensively improve the quality of college Englishteaching.
作者 马秀华
出处 《大学英语教学与研究》 2015年第4期73-77,共5页 College English Teaching & Research
基金 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心第七批中国外语教育基金资助(ZGWYJYJJA48) 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(11CWZJ47 14CWXJ48)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 需求分析 后续课程 倾向 needs analysis subsequent courses tendency
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