

Less Developed Areas Poverty Impact Factor Analysis
摘要 农户的贫困问题一直是中国扶贫开发工作的重点和全面建成小康社会的短板和软肋。河南省是我国的农业大省,河南的农户贫困问题是我国众多现实而典型的问题之一。文章以贫困县兰考县的埽怀村为例,从农户的有关理论和贫困的相关理论出发,运用实地调研和系统分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,首先对埽怀村农户贫困的现状做一个宏观分析,基于实际调查,对农户的家庭情况、收入支出情况以及村庄基础设施情况做了一个比较详尽的分析,运用因子分析的方法,得出该区域农户贫困的主要影响因素是外出务工劳动力数量,村庄水利设施状况和交通设施状况,以及农户家庭成员总数的结论。 the poverty of farmers has been the focus of China's poverty alleviation and development work and build a well- off life short and soft rib,in henan province is a big agricultural province of our country,poverty problem in henan is one of the many reality and typical problem in our country. Based on poor counties lankao,consisting of the village as an example,from the related theory of farmers and the related theory of poverty,the use of field research and system analysis,combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis,the combination of normative analysis and empirical analysis method,first of all,consisting of huai village poverty,make a macro analysis of the current situation of farmers based on the actual investigation of the peasant household family,income,spending,and village infrastructure situation made a more detailed analysis,using the factor analysis method,it is concluded that the regional poverty population are the main factors that affect the rural labor force,the village water conservancy facilities and transportation conditions,as well as the total number of peasant household family members.
作者 刘明月
出处 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报》 2015年第4期34-38,共5页 Journal of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics
关键词 欠发达地区 农户 贫困 因子分析 less developed areas farmers poverty factor analysis
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