
膜下微润带埋深对温室番茄土壤水盐运移的影响 被引量:10

Effect of tube depth of moistube-irrigation under plastic film mulching on soil water and salt transports of greenhouse tomato
摘要 为探讨微润灌溉对温室轻度盐碱地番茄土壤水盐的影响,通过设置3种不同埋深(10 cm、15 cm、20 cm),探究了不同微润带埋设深度下,膜内(番茄种植行)、膜间(番茄行间)土壤含水量和含盐量的变化特征。结果表明,膜内、膜间土壤水盐的变化规律在不同埋深下保持一致,膜内土壤水分随时间推移先增大后减小,盐分随时间推移逐渐减小;膜间土壤水分、盐分均随时间推移逐渐增大。膜间土壤含水量始终小于膜内,随着土层深度增加,膜内、膜间土壤含水量差距减小;表层土壤膜内、膜间土壤含水量差距最大,50-60 cm土层膜间与膜内土壤含水量基本趋于一致。微润带埋深大时,土壤含水量较高,开花结果期,20 cm、15 cm、10 cm埋深的土壤含水量分别为23.31%、24.46%及22.42%;且微润带埋深为10 cm时,膜内、膜间土壤含水量差值小于埋深为15 cm和20 cm。膜内土壤含盐量始终小于膜间,微润带埋深越小,膜内、膜间土壤含盐量差异也越小;全生育期内,膜内0-40 cm土层处于脱盐状态,脱盐率随深度增加逐渐降低,离微润带越近,脱盐效果越明显;40-60 cm土层土壤含水量少,盐分含量也较小,为轻微积盐状态。10-20 cm土层水分含量最大、盐分含量最小、脱盐率最高。膜间0-60 cm土层始终处于积盐状态,积盐率随深度增加逐渐降低,0-20 cm土层积盐率最高。开花结果期,20 cm、15 cm和10 cm埋深下,膜内10-20 cm土层平均最大脱盐率分别为24.66%、32.28%和14.71%,15 cm埋深下脱盐率最高;苗期和结果末期15 cm埋深处理脱盐率也达最高,平均最大脱盐率分别为27.42%、24.67%。研究结果充分说明微润带埋深对不同土层深度的洗盐效果具有显著影响。综合来看,微润带埋深15 cm时土层平均脱盐率和土壤平均含水率均最高,分别达到26.05%和25.1%,为番茄生长创造了一个良好的水盐环境,最有利于番茄生长发育,为最佳埋深。 In order to verify the effect of moistube-irrigation under plastic film mulching on water and salt transport in tomato in slight alkaline soils under greenhouse conditions, three buried depths(10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm) of moistubes of moistubeirrigation under plastic film mulching were designed and the effects of the moistube depths on water content and salinity of soils under(in tomato planting row) and between(between tomato rows) plastic films investigated. The results showed that the change trends in soil water content and salinity were consistent for different moistube depths under and between the plastic films. Under plastic film, soil water content increased initially and then decreased, whereas salinity decreased with time. Between plastic films, soil water content and salinity increased over time. The soil water content between plastic films was lessthan that under plastic film. With increasing soil depth, the difference in soil water content between under-film and between-films reduced. The difference of soil water content between under-film and between-films was maximal in surface soil. In 50?60 cm soil layer, water contents under plastic film and between plastic films were tend to be consistent. The deeper the moistube was, the higher the soil water content was. At fruiting stage of tomato, soil water contents were 23.31%, 24.46% and 22.42% for moistube depths of 20 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm, respectively. The difference in soil water content between under-film and between-films for 10 cm depth of moistube was less those for 15 cm and 20 cm depths of moistubes. Soil salinity under plastic film was less than that between plastic films, and with the increase of buried depth of moistube, the difference between under-film and between-films increased. In 0?40 cm layer under plastic film, soil was desalinated during the whole growth period of tomato, though the relative desalination rate decreased with increasing soil depth. Also in 0?40 cm soil layer, the nearer to the moistube, the more obvious the effect of desalination. The soil layer of 40?60 cm was in slight salification due to less soil water content and salinity. The 10?20 cm soil layer had maximal soil water content, minimum salinity and highest salt desalination rate. However, between plastic films, the soil with depth of 0?60 cm was in salt deposition state, and the salt deposition rate decreased with the increase of soil depth. Salt deposition rate was highest for the 0?20 cm soil depth. At fruiting stage of tomato, average maximal desalination rates of 10?20 soil layer under plastic film were 24.66%, 32.28% and 14.71% for moistube depths of 20 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm. At seedling and last fruiting stages of tomato, the desalination rates of 10?20 soil layer were also highest for 15 cm moistube depth among three buried depths, which were 27.42% and 24.67%. The results showed a significant effect of tube depth of moistube-irrigation under plastic film mulching on salt-leaching of soil in tomato root area. In summary, the buried depth of 15 cm of moistube had the highest average desalination rate of 26.05% and the highest average soil water content of 25.1%, which created an appropriate soil water-salt environment for tomato growth. 15 cm was the best moistube depth of moistube-irrigation under plastic film mulching.
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期1112-1121,共10页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题(2011AA100507)资助
关键词 膜下微润灌溉 埋深 水盐运移 膜内 膜间 积盐率 温室番茄 Moistube-irrigation under film Burying depth Water and salt transport Under plastic film Between plastic films Salt deposition rate Greenhouse tomato
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