

Analysis and improved design of cold bending process for rectangle thin-wall metal tube
摘要 制造业轻量化技术的发展,使矩形薄壁金属管材得到了更多应用。本文借助有限元分析软件,仿真矩形大口径薄壁管绕弯成型过程,并提出一种新型的基于阿基米德螺线的芯头结构设计,来提高弯管成型质量。仿真分析表明其对改善截面畸变效果显著。对丰富管件绕弯成型方式、提高弯管质量具有重要意义。 The cold bending process for rectangle big-diameter thin-wall tube has been simulated in the text by use of finite element analysis software. A new structure design of core head on the basis of Archimedes spiral has been put forward in order to improve the bending quality. The simulation analysis shows that it has remarkable effect for improving section distortion. It has important meaning for enriching bending modes of tube and improving the bending quality.
出处 《锻压装备与制造技术》 2015年第4期64-67,共4页 China Metalforming Equipment & Manufacturing Technology
基金 高档数控机床与基础制造装备国家科技重大专项重点国际合作研究项目(2012C14021) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ13A020003) 国际科技合作专项(合作研究)项目(2013C14009) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2014M561786)
关键词 管材加工 绕弯成型 矩形管件 薄壁管 阿基米德螺线型芯头 Tube processing Bending Rectangle tube Thin-wall tube Archimedes spiral Core head
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