

Distance Adjusting in Verbal Communication-starting from the Substitution of Person Deixis
摘要 本文以心理距离为参照点,以汉语日常会话为语料,在语用视点和语用移情及离情理论框架下,探究人称指示语的更换在交际中所起的调距作用和取得的语用效果。通过分析发现,第一人称指示语换指第二或第三人称指示语时,前者拉近了说话人和听话人间的心理距离,增强了话语的亲和力,后者拉近了说话人与第三方间心理距离,便于听话人感受说话人对第三方的情感和立场;第二人称指示语换指第一或第三人称指示语时,前者将听话人移位于说话人位置,两者间心理距离消失,激起情感共鸣,后者将心理距离由远拉近,强化说话人负面情绪,多为严厉批评;第三人称指示语换指第一或二人称指示语时,两者都将心理距离拉远,不同之处在于前者弱化自我意识以增强客观性,后者通过模糊听话人身份来提高礼貌程度。 With psychological distance as the reference point, the present study focuses on the cross-over sub- stitution of three kinds of person deixis, playing an important role in the adjustment of psychological distance and the achievement of pragmatic effects, in Chinese daily verbal communication within the framework of pragmatic empathy and de-empathy. When the first person deixis is substituted with the second or the third one, the psycho- logical distance between the speaker and the listener is shortened and the utterances are more acceptable in the former case, while the psychological distance between the speaker and the third party is shortened, making it eas- ier for the listener to feel the speakeVs emotion, in the latter one. When the second person deixis is replaced by the first or the third one, the listener is moved to the position of the speaker, which tends to melt the psychologi- cal distance and arouse the emotional resonance between the two, in the former circumstance, however the psy- chological distance between the speaker and the listener is shortened, strengthening the dissatisfaction and criti- cism of the speaker toward the third party, in the latter one. When the third person deixis is replaced by the first and the second one, the psychological distance is lengthened in the two situations, but the speaker weakens self- consciousness to promote objectivity in the former one, and of politeness in the latter one. obscures the listener' s identity to enhance the degree
作者 张梦杰
出处 《安阳工学院学报》 2015年第5期65-67,93,共4页 Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology
关键词 人称指示语 交叉换用 心理距离 语用视点 语用移情及离情 person deixis cross-over substitution psychological distance pragmatic stance pragmatic mpathy and de-empathy
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