

Dispositionality as Intrinsic Properties and Their Counterfactual Expressions
摘要 倾向性问题是当代分析哲学的核心问题。诉诸虚拟条件句是理解倾向性的基本出发点,但必须对条件句的语义学解释作出恰当限制。当代哲学关于属性的一般形而上学研究蕴含倾向属性是内在属性,这一点深入揭示了倾向属性相对于自然定律的索引性特征。此特征引导我们走向一种标准的反事实条件句语义学,它所提供的语义学限制将为简单条件句分析提供恰当辩护。 The problem of dispositionality is at the center of contemporary analytic philosophy. Appealing to subjunctive conditionals is the point of departure in understanding dispositionality. But the semantic interpretation of the conditionals calls for qualification. The general metaphysics of properties imply that dispositional properties are intrinsic,and that reveals the indexicality of dispositional properties relative to laws of nature. This semantic qualification points to the way of justifying the simple conditional analysis,by embracing the standard counterfactual semantics.
作者 何朝安
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期1-6,共6页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"倾向性属性的反事实条件句表达研究"(13YJC720014) 东华大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目"科学定律的反事实条件句表达"(13D111017)
关键词 倾向属性 内在属性 反事实条件句 dispositional properties intrinsic properties counterfactuals
分类号 O89 [理学]
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