通过对福建省武平县湿加松、马尾松、杉木混交试验林的调查,结果表明:1∽3 a生湿加松的生长明显优于马尾松、杉木,充分体现了湿加松速生的特点;4-5 a生湿加松的生长放缓,与马尾松、杉木的差异不显著;6∽7 a生的湿加松生长量要小于马尾松、杉木。不追肥及冬天出现的低温会降低湿加松的顶端优势,出现顶端分叉、树高增长量降低等问题;南坡受太阳光照时间较长,湿加松生长比北坡好。追求较低投入的林农在种植湿加松时需比较谨慎,种植时宜种在光照比较充足的山坡。
The growth of mingled forest involving Slash pinexCaribbean pine hybrid, masson pine and cedarwood in Wuping, hilly area of western Fujian has been researched. Results shows that: 1-3 a Slash pinexCaribbean pine hybrid has better growth than masson pine and cedarwood, the result accords with the feature or fast-growing of Slash pinexCaribbean pine hybrid. Growth rate of 4-5 a Slash pinex Caribbean pine hybrid is nearly the same as the other two. 6-7a Slash pinexCaribbean pine hybrid grows slower than the other two. Apical dominance of Slash pinexCaribbean pine hybrid is weakened because of without fertilization and extreme low temperature sometimes in winter. Slash pinexCaribbean pine hybrid on south slope grows better than that on north slope due to longer time of solar illumination. Besides, farmers who prefers lower investment should take solar illumination into account, they have better choose a slope with better solar illumination.
Journal of Wuyi University
Slash pinexCaribbean pine hybrid
artificial mingled forest
without fertilization
hilly areas