
日光温室金属膜集放热装置增温效果的性能测试 被引量:27

Performance testing on warming effect of heat storage-release metal film in Chinese solar greenhouse
摘要 日光温室冬季夜间温度较低,为满足作物能正常生长往往需要加温装置,为此,该课题组设计了一种双黑膜主动集放热装置,该装置白天以热辐射和热对流的模式吸收太阳辐射热和温室内空气中的热量,夜间通过热对流的模式将热量释放到温室中,以增加温室夜间温度。通过冬季加温试验发现该装置对太阳辐射的吸收率偏低,为进一步提升该装置的集放热性能,该文对原有双黑膜集放热装置进行了改进,用金属膜替换原有双黑膜吸热面,试验结果表明:运行金属膜集放热装置能将温室夜间最低温度提高2.4℃,装置的集热效率为83%,热量的有效利用率为68%;与电加热加温方式相比节能量为110 MJ,节能72.6%,节能效果显著;金属膜集放热装置对太阳辐射的吸收系数为0.81,比双黑膜集放热装置提高了0.22;白天温室自然通风条件下,装置与空气间的对流换热系数为14.6W/(m2·℃),比双黑膜蓄放热装置高6.3 W/(m2·℃)。 The Chinese Solar Greenhouse(CSG) that is widely used in North China is characterized by a lean-to south-facing roof, a removable insulating blanket and a solid north wall. The south facing roof structure and removable insulating blanket maximize the exposure to short-wave radiation during the day and minimize heat loss at night, respectively. To increase the year-round greenhouse production in North China, a sustainable heating method needs to be developed to increase the night air temperature during the winter in CSGs. Solar heating is an inexpensive and effective way to heat greenhouses, and has been investigated by several previous studies. For the present study, a heat storage-release metal film system that was attached to the north wall was developed for CSG night temperature improvement. Two experimental greenhouses were located in Beijing, China, with a floor area of 304 m2 each. Environmental parameters(temperature, humidity, heat flux) inside and outside the greenhouse were investigated, including the average solar collection efficiency of the heating system and the energy saving rates. The results showed that the average solar collection efficiency of the system was 83%, 1.6 times greater than the reported value of a heat storage-release metal film system installed in a small CSG. The energy collection efficiency during the daytime decreased sharply with declining plate-air temperature differences. To have high energy collection efficiencies, plate-air temperature differences must be kept high and this can be achieved by applying a heat pump to reduce the circulating water temperature and transfer the energy to another water tank. The effective collector absorptivity was 0.81 and heat transfer was by natural convection. During the relatively cold nights of December 23 and 24 with the lowest outdoor air temperature of approximately-18℃, the inside air temperature of the experimental CSG also was 3.7℃ higher than in the reference CSG after starting operation of the heat storage-release metal film system. The night air temperature in the experimental CSG was increased by 2.4℃ on average compared to the reference CSG. The performance of the heat storage-release metal film system can be analyzed via the collected and released heat. The variations of the total heat collected and released by the heat storage-release metal film system during the day/night periods investigated were presented together with the radiation sum at the back wall over the total area of the heat storage-release metal film system. The system collected much more energy during sunny days than during cloudy days. The utilization ratio of the collected heat of the heat storage-release metal film system was calculated and it was between 64% and 71%. So the collected heat was not utilised completely during the night as some heat was lost during transport and storage. The heat collecting efficiency for these days was calculated as 86%, 82% and 82%, respectively which was nearly constant. So the use of the heat storage-release metal film system for heating the greenhouse at night during the winter can improve the environmental conditions inside Chinese solar greenhouses for crop production, achieving high energy collection efficiency and a reduction in energy consumption.
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第15期177-182,共6页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 863计划(2013AA102407) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203002)
关键词 温室 加热设备 蓄热 节能 放热 日光温室 greenhouses heating equipment heat storage energy conservation heat release Chinese solar greenhouse
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