
新型浮式植物体消浪试验 被引量:4

Effectiveness of floating wave dissipater with vegetation planted
摘要 针对一种浮式植物消浪装置的消浪效果展开试验研究,在植物高度大于波高的前提下,分析其在规则波作用下消浪效果的影响因素,通过大量水槽试验给出了植物消浪装置透射系数及反射系数与植物密度、植物带相对宽度、波陡之间的关系。研究结果表明,该浮式植物消浪装置具有良好的消浪效果,在植物带高度大于波高的前提下,植物带密度和相对宽度是影响消浪效果的最重要因素。 The paper investigates the effectiveness of wave dissipation of a new type of breakwater which is a floating structure with vegetation planted. Under the premise that the height of the vegetation is higher than the wave, the factors influencing the effectiveness of wave dissipation of the floating wave dissipater in unidirectional regular wave environments are analyzed. Based on comprehensive experimental flume data, the effectiveness of wave dissipation of the floating wave dissipater with vegetation planted under regular wave are correlated with .the plant density, relative width of the structure and wave steepness. The experiment results show that the plant density and the relative width of the structure are the most important factors affecting the wave dissipation, and this floating wave dissipater with vegetation planted plays a significant role in wave dissipation.
出处 《水运工程》 北大核心 2015年第8期48-54,共7页 Port & Waterway Engineering
关键词 浮式植物带 透射系数 规则波 防波堤 floating vegetation wave dissipater transmission coefficient regular wave breakwater
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