接触网作业车最高运行时速160 km,用于高速铁路电气化维修、应急抢险救援等作业。为了满足现场运用要求,需要在接触网作业车上装备列控车载设备。简要介绍列控车载设备与接触网作业车的适配方案,并针对接触网作业车双端切换功能和列控车载设备与LKJ设备控车权切换功能所涉及的关键技术进行研究,提出了列控车载设备的优化解决方案,提高了接触网作业车车载设备的可用性和安全性。
The CMV(Catenary Maintenance Vehicle) is used for catenary maintenance and emergency rescue in high speed railways and its operation speed is up to 160km/h. For meeting requirements of CMV operation, it is necessary to install ATP equipment in the CMV. This paper briefly introduces the solution to ATP suitable for the CMV and proposes optimization solution to ATP through the research on key technologies related to the switching function of cabins at both ends and train control handover between ATP and LKJ equipment, for improving the availability and safety of the CMV onboard equipment.
Railway Signalling & Communication Engineering