
劳动力流动下的城市房价水平与服务业集聚——基于我国284个城市面板数据的门槛回归模型检验 被引量:2

The Level of Urban Houses Price and Service Industry Agglomeration in the Perspective of Labor Mobility——Threshold Regression Model Test Based on the Panel Data of 284 Cities in China
摘要 论文在劳动力流动视角下考察了城市房价水平对服务业集聚的影响。利用2003年—2011年中国284个城市面板数据进行门槛回归检验,结果表明总体而言在高房价水平区间内不利于服务业集聚,这是因为过高的城市房价在一定程度上抑制了劳动力流动,从而会造成服务业集聚中的劳动力供给不足。进一步分析城市房价对生产性、消费性和公共性服务业集聚的影响发现,高房价同样不利于生产性和公共性服务业集聚,这反映出上述两类服务业的劳动力在流动中对城市房价水平变化相对更加敏感。因此,通过调控房价水平以促进城市服务业集聚有其必要性。 This paper investigates the level of urban houses price influencing on the service industry agglomeration in the perspective of labor mobility. It uses the panel data of 284 cities in China from 2003 to 2011 to make threshold regression test,and the results show that the interval of high houses price is not in favor of service industry agglomeration as a whole. It is because of high urban houses price inhibiting the labor mobility to some extent,which causes the shortage of labor supply in the process of service industry agglomeration. Further analysis on urban houses price influencing producer,consumer and public service industries agglomeration shows that high houses price is also not in favor of the producer and public service industries agglomeration,which reflects the labor in the two types of service industry mentioned above are more sensitive to the change of the level of urban houses price. Therefore,it is necessary to regulate the level of houses price in order to promote urban service industry agglomeration.
作者 纪玉俊 张鹏
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2015年第4期12-18,共7页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地中国海洋大学海洋发展研究院基金资助(2015JDZS02)
关键词 城市房价水平 服务业集聚 劳动力流动 门槛回归模型 the level of urban houses price service industry agglomeration labor mobility threshold regression model
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