

Research on Enterprise Low Carbon Purchasing Strategy under the Background of Low Carbon Economy
摘要 随着世界环境污染问题的日益严重,各国或协同或各自纷纷出台低碳政策,尤其是对企业的采购、生产、销售和物流提出了较为严格的低碳要求。低碳采购要求企业秉承低碳采购理念,制定相关管理体系和规范,选择优秀的供应商,并采取低碳的物流运作方式,从而适应当前低碳采购的趋势并提升企业的形象和品牌。文章对低碳采购的意义以及当前企业采购运作中的问题进行了深入分析,并从低碳采购理念、供应商的选择等角度提出了应对策略。 With the increasingly serious environmental pollution problems, many nations have their low carbon policy or in synergy, especially for enterprise purchasing, production, sales, and puts forward the more strict requirements of low carbon logistics.Low carbon purchasing require companies to adhere to the low carbon concept, formulate relevant management system and standard, choose excellent suppliers, and adopt low carbon logistics operation mode, so as to adapt to the trend of the current low carbon purchasing and improve enterprise image and brand. This paper carried on the thorough analysis on the low carbon problems in purchasing and the significance of the current enterprise procurement operations and put forward the coping strategies in low carbon concept and selection of suppliers.
作者 张红丽
出处 《物流科技》 2015年第9期42-44,共3页 Logistics Sci-Tech
基金 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目 项目编号:13A790197 河南工业大学高层次人才基金项目 项目编号:2013BS036 河南工业大学社科繁荣项目 项目编号:2013FRJH03
关键词 低碳经济 低碳采购 供应商 low carbon economy low carbon purchasing suppliers
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