自建装置测定不同温度和压力下HFC-134a和HFC-125在水中溶解度。通过数据分析得出,HFC-134a和HFC-125在水中的溶解度随压力升高显著增加,7000 t/a HFC-134a装置(8000 t/a HFC-125装置)水洗过程中产生的15%混酸(氢氟酸和盐酸)夹带HFC-134a(HFC-125)的年浪费量13.81 t(19.71 t),对工艺操作和回收提出改进意见。
A set of experiment apparatus for determining HFC-134a and HFC-125 solubility in water at different temperatures and pressures was designed. The experimental results showed that the solubility of HFC-134a and HFC-125 in water increased with increasing pressure. 13.81 tons HFC-134a (19.71 tons HFC-125) was wasted owing to the washing process of 7000 tons/year HFC-134a device (8000 tons/year HFC-125) which produced 15% mixed acid, which suggest to improve the process operation and recovery.
Zhejiang Chemical Industry