

Modeling of a Multi-Objective Cell Formation Problem
摘要 在构建单元时,将制造过程中的多工艺路线选择问题转换为各道工序加工设备的选择问题,设置新购设备成本最小、跨单元加工次数最少、单元内零件工艺路径相似性最高以及整体设备利用率最高为目标函数,实现了多条工艺路径并行,并在计算设备利用率时用设备成本加权,突出了昂贵设备利用率.统一对各目标函数进行去量纲处理,将复杂的多目标函数问题变为单目标函数求解.最后基于遗传算法结合实际工厂数据进行验证. Cell manufacturing is a production manufacturing process for different products or parts in a production line or machine cell.When forming a cell,the problem of alternative process routes in manufacturing process was transformed into the problem of machines selection of each operation,and several objective functions were set like the minimum new machine cost,the minimum inter-cell operation,the highest similarity among part processing routes in cell and the highest overall machine utilization.The fact that several routes for one part was simulated and the utilization of expensive machine highlighted by adding machine cost as weight.All the objective functions were unified dimensionally to obtain the integral optimization,thus this complicated multi-objective problem was changed into a single objective problem.A model based on genetic algorithm was built for testing with real factory data in the end.
出处 《上海交通大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期1249-1255,1262,共8页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51475304) 上海市自然科学基金项目(12ZR1414400)资助
关键词 单元化制造 多工艺路径 设备利用率 遗传算法 cell manufacturing alternative process routes machine utilization genetic algorithm
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