酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)代谢精氨酸产生尿素对葡萄酒中氨基甲酸乙酯(carbamate ethyl,EC)含量的影响非常重要。利用实时荧光PCR技术,比较分析了18种酿酒酵母的发酵性能以及发酵期间酵母car1基因的表达活性与精氨酸、EC含量间的关系,结果表明:发酵期间,酵母car1基因的表达量均呈现先增加后降低的趋势,与发酵液中的精氨酸呈负相关关系,相关系数在0.990 3~0.997 7;而与EC含量呈现正相关关系,相关系数在0.624 9~0.995 8之间;不同酵母car1基因的相对表达量存在显著差异,筛选精氨酸酶活力低的酵母菌株可以有效降低葡萄酒中的EC含量。
Urea produced by arginine metabolites from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has very important effect on the content of ethyl carbamate in wine. In this paper,the fermentation performance of 18 S. cerevisiae strains and the correlation between the expression level of car1 gene and the content of EC and arginine were analyzed. Real-time fluorescence PCR showed that the expression of car1 gene increased at the beginning of fermentation and decreased two days after fermentation. The expression level of car1 gene was significantly negatively related with the content of arginine with the correlation coefficient between 0. 990 3 ~ 0. 997 7,while it was positively related with the content of carbamate ethyl with the correlation coefficient between 0. 624 9 ~ 0. 995 8,which was obviously different between different yeasts. Selection of S. cerevisiae strains containing arginase with low activity could effectively reduce the content of Ethyl carbamate in wine.
Food and Fermentation Industries