
国族整合的未竟之旅:从印度东北部到印度本部 被引量:3

The Unfinished Journey of National Integration:from Northeast India to Mainland India
摘要 本文从国族整合的角度来看待以新德里为代表的印度本部都市中东北部年轻移民的经验得失。印度独立后东北部边疆的政治整合并不平顺,武装叛乱直到20世纪90年代后期才基本得到遏制。21世纪初以来,东北部边疆的年轻人大量进入印度本部的都市寻找高等教育与工作机会。他们因为不同的种族面貌与文化在印度本部城市遭受歧视,而在他们反歧视的集体行动和话语中,一个重要内容是对印度国族身份的理性确认。与此同时,东北部移民群体与印度主流社会的情感距离仍然显著存在。他们的经验既呈现了印度国族整合的进展也暴露了它的问题。 Since the beginning of the 21 th century,young Northeasterners have come to the cities of Mainland India in increasing numbers in search of better opportunities of higher education and job. They have suffered discrimination because of their different racial looks and cultures. However,an important message from the discourses and acts they have adopted to fight against racial discrimination is the affirmation of Indian national identity and the will of national integration,which is yet new to the mainstream society. At the same time,the emotional distance between them and the mainstream society is still prominent. The experiences of the northeast immigrants show the progress of national integration of India and also present serious challenges to the national discourse of India—unity in diversity.
作者 吴晓黎
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期9-17,共9页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中国社会科学院创新工程"城市民族问题调查研究"的阶段性成果之一
关键词 国族整合 印度东北部 种族歧视 多样性中的统一 national integration Northeastern India racial discrimination unity in diversity
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