为进一步了解制动器尖叫噪声影响因素和发生机理,通过Pro/E软件建立了通风盘式制动器三维实体模型,考虑磨损粒子作用因素,引入简谐激励,运用有限元软件ANSYS Workbench通过预应力模态分析与谐响应分析相结合方法进行研究,得出如下结论:盘-销系统谐响应的峰值不唯一,尖叫噪声发生在多个频率下;随着阻尼比增加,最大响应振幅明显减小、频率小幅增加;制动压力与振幅成正比例关系而对响应频率没有影响。研究结论可为进一步优化制动器设计、降低噪声污染起到指导和帮助作用。
In order to further understand the brake scream noise influence factors and mechanism,we set up the 3D model of disc brake,conduct the modal and harmonic response analysis by Pro/E and ANSYS Workbench,considering the wear particle effect factors and introducing simple harmonic excitation.The analysis results show that the peak of harmonic response is not unique,screaming noise occurs under the multiple frequencies;With the increase of damping ratio,the maximum response amplitude decreases significantly,and the frequency has a small increase;Brake pressure is directly proportional to the amplitude,but has no influence on the response frequency.The study is of guiding significance and helpful for the design of the brake and reducing noise pollution.
Mechanical Engineering & Automation