
2015年1-3月全国登革热疫情形势分析 被引量:3

Epidemiology of dengue fever in China,January-March,2015
摘要 目的根据2015年1-3月全国登革热监测数据,分析我国近期登革热流行病学特征与趋势,探讨相应防治对策建议。方法利用"传染病报告信息管理系统"和"突发公共卫生事件管理信息系统"的登革热监测数据,进行回顾性描述分析。结果 2015年截至3月31日,全国16个省共报告病例54例,较2014年同期(36例)上升50%。实验室确诊42例,占报告病例总数的78%。所有病例均为输入病例。病例以广东省(19例)为主,其次为北京市、广西壮族自治区和浙江省(各4例)。男女性别比为1.5∶1,平均年龄38岁,20~40岁年龄组占72%,职业以家务待业(8例)为首,其次是商业服务(7例)。结论监测数据提示,我国登革热报告病例数较2014年同期显著升高,地域分布也较2014年有所扩大,2015年登革热疫情防控压力依然较大,各地应充分认识登革热的危害性,加强病例与蚊媒监测,积极开展培训与宣传教育,提高病例发现诊断能力与群众的自我防护能力。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of dengue fever in China and provide evidence for the development of control and prevention measures. Methods Retrospective analysis was conducted on the incidence data of dengue fever in China during January-March,2015,which were obtained from national disease reporting information system. Results During January-March,2015,54 dengue fever cases were reported in 16 provinces in China,an increase of 50% over the same period in 2014. Forty two cases( 78%) were laboratory confirmed. All the cases were imported from other countries. The case number in Guangdong was highest( 19 cases),followed by that in Beijing,Guangxi and Zhejiang( 4 cases respectively). The male to female ratio was 1. 5 ∶ 1. The average age of the cases was 38 years and 72% of the cases were aged 20- 40 years. Eight cases were jobless or unemployed,and 7 cases were engaged in commercial servicers. Conclusion The surveillance data indicated that reported dengue case number increased obviously compare with the same period in 2014 in China,and the geographic distribution also,indicating that challenge still exists in dengue fever control in China in 2015. It is necessary to strengthen the case and mosquito surveillance,training for public health provider and health education for the public.
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2015年第8期652-654,共3页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 登革热 传播媒介 监测 Dengue fever Vector Surveillance
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