中共十一届三中全会以后 ,安康文学取得了引人注目的 ,超过以往任何一个时期的成就。但将其放在全国、全省大的文学格局中来看 ,还存在着很多缺陷与薄弱环节。主要是对本地题材挖掘不够 ,作家缺乏独具的胆识和勤奋刻苦的精神。只有正视这些 。
Since the time of the 3rd session of the 11th Party Congress of CPC, Ankang Literature has achieved outstanding and overwhelming success. However, if we have a broadening view of the success, we may find the Literature of Ankang still has some flaws and vulnerable spots which are chiefly the following: first, the theme or subject is not further researched; second, writers in Ankang couldnt develop their individuality enough, and they are not so industrious. Only by facing these squarely, can Ankang Literature achieve even greater success in the 21st Century.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College