
铁道车辆车轮踏面反向优化设计方法 被引量:8

A Reverse Optimal Design Method for Wheel Tread of Railway Vehicle
摘要 根据不同类型踏面外形、轮径差的变化和接触点分布特征,给出一种标准踏面反向优化设计方法。由给定轮轨初始接触点位置和轮对在不同横移量下的轮径差信息,结合参考的踏面外形,建立踏面反向设计的最优化模型,并通过了S1002CN和LMA踏面反向设计验证。验证结果表明,不同优化参数下得到的不同设计踏面外形,均满足初始接触点位置和轮径差的要求,但不同轮对横移量下的轮轨接触点分布不一致。分析设计踏面和参考踏面外形的误差及其接触点分布,得到最优踏面优化参数。在最优踏面优化参数下,设计的S1002CN踏面外形最大误差0.26mm,设计的LMA踏面外形最大误差0.2mm。在最优踏面优化参数的基础上,可任意修改轮径差曲线和轮轨初始接触点位置,得到修改后的车轮踏面外形,从而验证踏面反向设计方法的准确性和适应性,可为新型踏面设计提供参考和指导。 A new reverse optimal design method for standard tread was developed according to the characteristics of wheel-rail contact index,such as different wheel profiles,the variation in rolling radius difference and the distribution of contact points.Combining wheel profiles for reference,the optimization model for reverse tread design was established,based on the information on initial wheel-rail contact positions and rolling radius differ-ence of wheelsets under different lateral displacements.The model passed the validation of S1002CN and LMA tread reverse designs respectively.Validation results indicated that wheel profiles of different designs obtained under different optimization parameters satisfied the requirements of initial wheel-rail contact positions and the rolling radius difference,but the wheel-rail contact point distribution was not even under different lateral dis-placements of wheelsets.Through analysis of errors of wheel profiles and contract point distribution between design tread and reference tread,the optimization parameters of tread design have been obtained.Under the optimization parameters,the maximum error of designed S1002CN tread was 0.26 mm,while the maximum error of designed LMA tread was 0.2 mm.Based on these parameters,better tread profile can be designed by modifying the curve of rolling radius difference and initial wheel-rail contact positions,thereby verifying the ac-curacy and adaptability of the new reverse tread design method.The calculation results can provide a reference and guidance for new tread design.
出处 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期17-24,共8页 Journal of the China Railway Society
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2012AA112001) 国家自然科学基金(51475388) 中国铁路总公司科技研究开发计划(2014J004-M)
关键词 轮轨接触 踏面反向设计 轮径差 接触角 最优化设计 wheel-rail contact reverse tread design rolling radius difference contact angle optimal design
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